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Additional Funding

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is allocated funding for children from low-income families who are eligible for free school meals, looked after children and those from families with parents in the Armed Forces.

You can view or download our Pupil Premium allocation and find out how this has been used at our school.

Document Name
Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25View

Sports Premium

The Government provides additional funding to schools to improve the provision for PE and Sport in primary schools.

At St Michael’s Catholic Primary School, we are conscious of the importance of PE in promoting physical and mental health and wellbeing. Through our provision for PE and sport we aim to promote the benefits of physical activity and healthy lifestyles while developing positive habits and attitudes.

We believe that every child should receive high quality PE and sports lessons along with opportunities to experience a wide range of sports and physical activities that they can enjoy and excel at. We aim to provide a wide variety of clubs and experiences for the children to engage everyone in being active.

With our funding we have:

  • Hired specialised sports coaches
  • Purchased playground equipment to sustain an active playground
  • Encouraged more children to take up sports
  • Supported and involved the least active children by running after school and holiday clubs
  • Run inter- and intra- sport competitions

We are proud of our children and how they compete and play fairly in sport.

Document Name
Sport Premium Plan 2023-24View
Sport Premium Plan 2022-23View

| Page Views | 148

Updated | 19th December, 2024 |

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