Catholic Life
At the heart of St Michael’s Catholic School are the Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust values which recognise the unique contribution that every member of our community makes. The Catholic life and mission of the school is underpinned by actions and experiences that ensure that these values are lived out in all aspects of school life and so our pupils grow to know God, understand their vocation, and feel safe, nurtured, valued and aspirational.
We believe that a knowledge of and a personal relationship with Christ brings meaning and direction to life.
We believe that every member of our diverse community is created in God’s image and therefore we act with respect and show dignity, ensuring that all are treated with fairness, justice and equity. We work fervently to dispel inequality and pay special attention to those most in need.
We believe that all members of our Trust should be supported to recognise their own purpose and to develop a sense of how they are called to contribute to society.
We believe that each person should be equipped to excel through the highest quality learning opportunities and richest wider-school experiences.
We believe that every member of our Trust community should have the highest expectations of themselves and others and should be equipped with the knowledge and skills to achieve greatly.
We believe that our schools promote truth, honesty, reconciliation, resilience and integrity in their own context, but together create strength, optimism and excellence across the Trust.
We believe that the best leadership in Catholic Schools raises the work of the staff and the attainment of young people to levels that exceed expectations through relentless focus, effective management skills, profound empathy, sustained energy and robust optimism, underpinned by wide professional knowledge founded on innovative research.
Children at St Michael’s will receive their First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 4. The Sacrament of First Holy Communion helps us to become full members of the church. It is during the First Holy Communion where we receive the Holy Eucharist for the first time, this is the body and blood of Jesus.
Children spend time in class studying the Last Supper, where Jesus broke the bread with his disciples, similar to the celebration of Mass. The children also look at all parts of the mass but in particular the Liturgy of the Eucharist and the how the Holy Spirit transforms the bread and wine.
Alongside their lessons, children attend Mass with their families and are encouraged to discuss what they have learnt in their preparation lessons with people at home. Children also attend preparation workshops after school to explore and deepen their own faith.
The ceremony takes place at St Michael’s Catholic Church in Summer term. The children making their First Holy Communion join in a celebration with the parish community.
‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of our Schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.
In our school, we have a vibrant Mini Vinnies club which meets regularly to follow the example of St Vincent de Paul and help those in need.
Each week, we focus on a different ‘statement to live by’, a set of statements rooted in nine guiding principles which support the distinctive nature of Catholic schools. The statements make the Catholic values of the school explicit, promote a positive and caring Christian ethos that is understood and communicated to everyone, promote emotional literacy and contribute towards community cohesion and the common good. They ensure that children and young people are given opportunities to:
· Hear the Christian story and encounter the person of Jesus,
· Understand their uniqueness as made in the image and likeness of God,
· Experience a sense of belonging within a range of communities, including the local Eucharistic community,
· Know, appreciate and understand the importance of social justice,
· Know that our limitations are also opportunities for growth,
· Understand the connection between knowledge and living,
· Know that everything has the opportunity to reveal God’s presence to us, i.e. to see the divine in the ordinary,
· Forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and be reconciled,
· Experience fun, humour, imagination, creativity, play and excitement in life.
Each week, at the end of our Celebration of the Word, we introduce a different statement such as ‘I try to be just and fair’. The week’s statement is displayed prominently in every classroom and around the school. Children are encouraged to think about the and reflect on statement throughout the week. The statements also support the RE and PSHE curriculum and are shared with parents in our regular newsletters.
Every classroom in our school contains a focal table which has a candle, a crucifix and a Bible, along with other religious artefacts that reflect the liturgical season or the RE unit the children are currently studying. The colour of the cloths on the focus table reflect the current liturgical season, and helps the children to better understand the passing of the liturgical year.
Each Tuesday, our children are able to visit the school chapel for private prayer, reflection or creative worship. This time is on top of the time the children visit the chapel for Celebration of the Word.
Our prayer garden is a peaceful, prayerful and reflective space in which children can go for private prayer, quiet reflection or creative worship. This space is often used during breaktimes and is also timetabled for classes to use during child-led Celebration of the Word.
St Michael’s we run a CAFOD Club for Year 5 and Year 6 children who are interested in learning more about Catholic Social Teaching and who are passionate about putting their faith into action.
In CAFOD Club we learn about the wider world, and partake in global games, activities and projects which are fun, and widen our understanding of the world and develop an excellent range of skills.
Our CAFOD Club explores ways we can brighten up the world and reach people who urgently need our help.
Our Year 4 children have the opportunity to visit the Emmaus Youth Village each year for a three day retreat. This retreat is led by the Youth Ministry Team. During the retreat, our children take part in various activities, socialising and join in with creative prayer. There is also lots of time for self-discovery and reflection.
There is also often other schools in attendance during our visit which allows our children to work, play and pray alongside children from other settings.
The Youth Ministry Team (YMT) is the Youth Service for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle since 1994. They provide a vibrant and relevant Youth Ministry provision throughout the Diocese and beyond. The YMT members have a deep passion of accompanying young people towards a personal relationship with Christ and fully into the life of the Church.
St. Michael’s Catholic School engage with the YMT across the academic year. Our Year 6 children join them at the Emmaus Village at the end of Summer term each year for the YMT Festival. We always gain great pupil voice from our children about every event they attend.
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Updated | 2nd October, 2024 |
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
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